Friday, February 14, 2020

Week 5: The Diary of Tara

Image result for dear diary

Image information: Dear Diary. Source: Flickr

Dear Diary,

There has been so much that has occurred. I am now with Vali instead of Sugriva. On a night when Vali chased an enemy into the moonlight, Sugriva was left to stand watch. However, Sugriva claims he thought that Vali had been killed... from Vali's side of the story, the hole of the cavern had been filled up with a mountain top, making it difficult for Vali to get out. Once he did, though, Vali returned to the kingdom and took me from my husband and made me his own. I'm not sure how I feel about this.. this entire situation just doesn't seem right.

xo Tara

Dear Diary,

I am very suspicious of Sugriva.. I have a bad feeling in my stomach about he and Rama becoming allies. If this is true, there could be terrible fate ahead. I don't know what to do! Vali is so stubborn that I feel like if I tried to warn him, he wouldn't listen. BUT SUGRIVA IS MY KING'S BROTHER! Why must he betray his loyalty?

xo Tara

Dear Diary,

SO MUCH has happened today! I tried so hard to keep Vali away from starting war with Sugriva. I tried several times to tell my king about my knowledge of Sugriva and Rama becoming allies and that he should not go try to find him, for there could be terrible fate, but he would not listen to me... instead, Vali has stormed off to find Sugriva and fight him until the death! I don't know what to do! I can't help from thinking the absolute worst possible scenario! What if I lose Vali?! I can't live without him! I'm praying, praying, praying that Vali stays safe and defeats Sugriva.

xo Tara

Dear Diary,

MY KING! MY KING VALI... he has been slain by the hands of Rama!! Upon Sugriva and Vali beginning to fight, Rama came out from hiding behind trees and shot my Vali with an arrow shot from his bow! My king's own brother has betrayed him! What shall I do?! I am widowed! I am alone! What ever will I do without my King Vali by my side?!

a brokenhearted Tara

Authors note: 
I thought that telling the story of Vali's death through the eyes of Tara would be interesting because of how invested and dramatic that she is throughout the story.
Bibliography: PDE Ramayama. Sugriva's Story  Sugriva and Vali  & Vali's Death 


  1. Howdy Kennedee,
    I haven’t seen anyone else do this format of storytelling this semester, it’s super neat. I like how intimate you’ve made the reader’s perspective; we’re able to truly understand Tara’s emotional state throughout her role in this chapter of the Ramayana. It feels a little bizarre reading someone’s diary, but because of that you’re able to access a level of proximity that would’ve otherwise been tricky.

  2. Hi Kennedee,

    I liked the format of your story, I thought the dear diary thing is a good way to tell a character's thoughts! Also, I didn't remember this story from the Ramayana (I forgot about Tara), so your story made me want to go back and look at the original. I bet Tara is a forgotten character, so I think it's great that you made her the focus of the story. Thanks!

  3. Hi Kennedee!

    I love the diary format you have chosen for this story. I also love that you chose to tell the story of Vali's death through Tara's perspective, very creative!! I noticed the different sign off in the last diary entry and thought that was a nice touch. Really, the whole last entry got me in my feelings. You did a great job portraying the characters emotions throughout your entire piece. Great job!

  4. Hey Kennedee!

    I liked the format of your story. A diary entry is something I haven't seen anyone else do yet, and certainly gives the story a different perspective, especially since you included multiple entries. One thing you could try is to make the thought processes in the story more modern instead of keeping them in the same era as the Ramayana. It's certainly your choice, but a more modern setting might help make the entries more relatable. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hi Kennedee,
    The diary format is so cool to use when showing how someone else might view the situation. She was so helpless but not from lack of trying to be helpful. The drama that you mention in your authors note is evident in the diary entries and I like how you brought up the betrayal aspect a few times. She was right, that it would be his downfall and it was.

  6. Hi Kennedee! I love the idea of doing Diary entires. I think that allows you as the author to get inside the head of the character and see the situation from their point of view. It also allows for so much creativity as you can make it whatever you want! Also, I think by making the text upper case, you are able to place emphasis through writing, which is sometimes hard to do! This was very well written and I liked that you allowed us to follow Tara through multiple days, instead of just one diary entry.
