Photo of me and my dog, Remi. Photo taken 04/25/2020
WOW! Has 4 years really flown by this quickly?! How in the world?! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was being moved into my dorm room on the 6th floor of Couch. I remember the first time I ever tried to find my classes on this campus; I remember the first test I failed; the first (and only, thank God) class that I failed; I can recall my favorites moments on this universities grounds that have made Norman my home for the quickest 4 years of my life.
Now that undergrad is one week from being over, I'm taking the time to reflect, not only on my time at OU, but also on the person I was and have become throughout my time here. I'd also like to offer advice/lessons I learned while I've been in college.
SO... Here we go!!!
I came to college lost- I wasn't proud of myself, nor was I really excited about starting college. However, as I got accustomed to university life, I have learned so much about myself.
- I love microbiology! This was probably my favorite class that I took
- I'm not a good test taker... and that's okay. It just means that I have to study and work THAT much harder
- I like to be challenged
- My love for helping people has only grown stronger & has led me to wanting to pursue a nursing degree
Now, my advice/tips:
- GO HOME. Seriously. Every chance that you can get, go. LET your mom do your laundry. LET them feed you until you're miserable. CALL your family.
- The best water fountain is located in the honors college :) but really. It's always cold.
- Sunsets are best watched from the very top of the parking garage
- ASK FOR HELP. And then ask again. Do not be embarrassed for not understanding something in class
- office hours and established relationships with your professors is SO important. Once they know your face, your effort and hard work is made known
- Sutton Wilderness Park is one of the most relaxing and beautiful scenic places to go and clear your mind
All-in-all, I am so thankful for what I've accomplished throughout undergrad! I'm excited to continue on with being a sooner with nursing school!! I may not physically be in Norman anymore, but my heart will always belong there
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